artist dancing in smoke

My jaw hurts from keeping my mouth shut. Oh, the need to scream without being able to.

performer standing on podium, masked and with red megaphone

I’ve said goodbye to love many times these past years and, yet, I don’t want to be alone. My longing returns like a song that I can’t get out of my head. 

artist holding tray with drink on it and singing

Fantastic Fragility ... and how it's difficult to move on

artist speaking energetically to audience member

Zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, Achtung.

artist dancing on stage with smoke

I’ve learned that fluidity grows from small movements slowly becoming larger and larger. Force only creates violence. It hurts.

artist's silhouette behind transparent fabric

We shared laughs, we revealed our insecurities, we talked and listened, we argued, we made up, we played, and most importantly: we wasted time together.

performer reading out loud

You’ll find a place full of memories, longing and a lot of laughter. Can you smell the food already?

artist doing embroidery and singing

I tried to write you a love song

projection of figure (artist) standing in front of ocean, projected on staircase

Where are you?

artist on floor

I felt taken care of, as if someone cared about me. I smiled. I was calm and happy. I felt like I arrived.

artist having dinner with guest in sunset light

Here and Now. Und die Ferne wird zur Nähe

artist sewing

Let’s sit here, feel the breeze and talk. 

projection of artist as child sitting on chair (projected on pillar) in front of projection of back of head of artist as adult (projected on wall)

I might fail, I might not be good enough, but I want to try.

artist pouring salt into glass bowl on table

Embracing the ambiguity and ambivalence of our fragile feelings may embolden us to feel them more consciously and strongly. And honestly.

artist lower body, mirror foil on floor, smoke

Thank you for your time. And you can thank me for mine. 

artist doing embroidery and singing in the middle gallery space

Can you hear the ocean?

two projections (one of face of artist, one of abstract pattern) on top of each other on bog woodboard in room

Accidents happen. The unexpected happens. Are we ever prepared?

blue projection on two wood panels

Still White Shut

performer sitting in front of a video camera, surrounded by audience

It is the moments in which we sit in silence, wasting time, and knowing what the other is thinking.

embroidery and tambour beading tool on top of fabric

Ich weiß, dass du dich liebst. Und wenn nicht: Ich liebe dich auch. 

artist on knees singing into microphone

 I discovered the joys and pleasures of short liaisons, yet my loneliness prevails.

+41 78 627 9800E-Mail
Neue Hard 12, 8005 Zürich

Born 1989 in Cologne, Germany. In 2011 earned BA in Multimedia Art at San Diego State Universiy, CA, USA. Lives and works in Zurich, Switzerland.

Aside from performance, video, and fiber art, Robert Steinberger curates and writes as part of his practice, working both solo and collaboratively. He co-founded the artist and curatorial collective FRICTION in 2012 and DEARS magazine for writing practices at the crossroads of art, poetry and experimental writing in 2020.

He has exhibited works and performed at the Aargauer Kunsthaus, Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur, Musée d’art et d’histoire du Judaïsm in Paris, LISTE Basel, Stadtgalerie Bern, as well as Theatre Gessnerallee, Haus Konstruktiv, Atelier Hermann Haller, Réunion, Last Tango and Perla-Mode in Zürich, and the Art Institute in San Diego, CA, among others. FRICTION filled the artist-run space Perla-Mode 2012 – 2015 and Nordflügel at Gessnerallee Zürich April 2015 – March 2016 with performances, exhibitions, and festivals.


Website Credits – Development: ATTRIBUTE, Design: Krispin Heé